Lake Erie Waves at Bradstreet’s Landing The adventures continue with photos of Lke Erie waves at Bradstreet’s Landing in Rocky River, Ohio. The wind was from the north at 25 mph with a temperature of 50 degrees. Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet-2 Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet’s Landing Waves at Bradstreet landing Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet Waves at Bradstreet photo-marketplace-01 feature_01_img feature_03_img slider_img client_01 photo-marketplace-01 feature_01_img feature_03_img slider_img client_01